朋友们帮忙编2段英语对话啊 朋友们快来帮我啊!!

三人间的对话 每个人大概6,7句就行了 要简单一点

谢谢大家了!! 谢谢!!!!

如果能编完再翻译下最好~~~~~~~ 大概大学一年级的水平吧 二楼的太简单 老师不给分啊 晕
三人间的对话 每个人大概6,7句就行了 要简单一点
三人间的对话 每个人大概6,7句就行了 要简单一点
三人间的对话 每个人大概6,7句就行了 要简单一点
三人间的对话 每个人大概6,7句就行了 要简单一点
三人间的对话 每个人大概6,7句就行了 要简单一点

第1个回答  2009-06-05
A:Oh, come on baby,fuck me!
B:Ok,but what is about C?
A and B:Perfert!It is our job!
A,B and C:Music!We are happy AV players!
第2个回答  2009-06-02
A-What's your job?
B-I'm a teacher,and you?
A-I'm a worker.What about Jane?
C-I'm a doctor.Nice to meet you.

A-Do you like music?
B-Of course! I love Rock.What about you,Tom?
C-No,I don't like it.It's really not my cup of tea.
第3个回答  2009-06-02
A:Do you think doctor is a good job ?
B:yes ,I think so .and do you want to be a doctor ?
A:yeah !It's my dream !
第4个回答  2009-06-05

A: Hey B.
B: Hi, how's it going?
A: horrible, I just got fired!
B: really? I'm so sorry to hear that. If it makes you feel any better, my job isn't going well either
A: Well, what do you expect in this economy? Personally, I blame the CEOs. They make millions a year, doing no more work than we do.
B: But it's not about how hard you work, it's what you do, isn't it?
A: Agreed, more or less. So what's so bad about your job?
B: I hate the environment, or more precisely, I hate the environment my manager created.
A: What happened? Did he put too much pressure on the team?
B: on the contrary, he slacks off so much that the entire team has learned to slack off with him, so now I'm the only one doing the work.
A: So why don't you slack off too?
B: you know how every time a team fails they need a scapegoat?
A: Yeah?
B: Well, I'm the scapegoat in my team. ><"


A: Let's talk about something a little more relaxing, like music.
B: Sure, what kind of music do you like?
A: I'm not entirely sure, I don't really have a genre, I have artists.
B: oh, so you have singers you like.
A: Yeah, like the Beatles, Elvis the King Presley, and Michael Jackson.
B: Michael Jackson? The white guy with 11 nose jobs? he's become a pop culture punchline!
A: Well, I never said that I liked the guy, I just like his music. And by the way, he's black.
B; You're kidding me, right?
A: No, not at all, he bleached himself white quite a couple of years back. Talk about improving your self image! So what kind of music do you like?
B: I like hip-hop, I'm not a huge fan, but it is my favorite genre. I mean, don't get me wrong, I can't understand a word they're saying, but I like the rhythm, it helps me think.
A: I thought you were supposed to listen to Beethoven when you think it helps extend your brainwaves or something.
B: Extend my brainwaves? What in the world are your talking about?
A: I have no clue, I just remembered that off somewhere.
B: Oh well, point is, no. I don't like classical, the softer melodies always put me to sleep.

第5个回答  2009-06-02

你好                                         “ jobs”的对话










What I would like to ask you what a good job? 

Yes, I have, but demanding, you have to try it? 

Okay, thank you, let me think about it. 

No problem. 

Oh, dear, should not even think about, you can do it, and filling! 

Oh, Well, I went to try.










Hello, Do you like Jackson's music? 

Oh, yes, super-like, really, every time he performed I out of body , and amazing! 

Really, I am also of the, oh, perfect! 

Are you in the chat about? 

Jackson's songs. 

Oh, right, and I am like him. 

Oh, good, go, we go to my house to listen to his new album. 

This is simply great! ! !
