put in/on/down/up分别是什么意思?


第1个回答  2011-07-08
put in 放进, 提出, 提交, 插入, 进入, 使就职, 种植, 进港
put on 穿上, 把...放在上, 装出, 假装, 增加, 欺骗, 添上, 使靠...维持生命
put down 放下, 拒绝, 镇压, 羞辱, 削减, 记下, 制止, 取缔
put up 举起, 抬起, 进行, 提供, 表现出, 建造, 提名, 推举本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-07-09
put in:放进
put on:穿上
put down:放下
put up:举起
第3个回答  2011-07-08
put in
1.cause to be in;add使加入;使进入
*You find the tea too strong?Just put in more water.你觉得这茶太浓吗?多加些水进去就是了。
*He put his head in at the window.他把头伸进窗口。
*It's a pity that he forgot to put in some of the important details in his report.很可惜,他忘了把一些重要细节写进报告里。
2.spend time doing sth.花费(时间);度过(时间)
*Altogether,he has put in about four years'work on his thesis.他总共用了4年时间研究他的课题。
*There's still a quarter of an hour to put in before the class begins.还要过一刻钟才上课。
3.make a request or application提出申请或要求
*If any of the goods arrive in a damaged condition,you must put in a claim within three days.如果到的任何货物有受损情况,你必须在3天内提出赔偿要求。
*You won't get the money if you don't put in for it.你如果不提出要求,这笔钱你就得不到。
4.recommend sb.for sth.推荐
*His commanding officer is putting him in for the Victoria Cross.他的司令官推荐授予他维多利亚十字勋章。
*We are thinking of putting John in for the 100 metres.我们考虑提名约翰参加百米赛跑。
*She always puts in an hour's piano practice after supper.她每天晚饭后练一小时的钢琴。
6.install;fix or supply sth.安装
*We put central heating in when we moved into our new house.我们搬新家时安装了中央供暖装置。
*Voters put a Conservative government in at the last election.上次选举中,保守党入选了。
*A security man was put in to check on doors and windows.委派了一个安全人员检查门窗。
9.enter sb.or sth.in a competition参加比赛
*She put herself in for the marathon.她报名参加马拉松比赛。
10.enter a port进港
*The vessel put in at Xiamen during the storm.船进厦门港躲避暴雨。
11.cut in插话
*“Don't forget us,”she put in.“别忘了我们。”她插话说。
put on
1.dress oneself in穿戴
*He put his coat on hurriedly and ran out of the house.他匆忙穿上外套,冲出了屋子。
2.turn on开
*He opened the door and put on the light.他开了门,打开了灯。
*He was not really angry.He was putting it on.他并不真生气,他是假装的。
4.present(a performance)上演
*The actor put on a fine performance.这位演员的表演非常精彩。
*The senior class put on a dance.高年级学生举行了一次舞会。
*She put on a lot of weight last winter.去年冬天她体重增加了很多。
6.force acceptance of sth.on sb.强迫某人接收
*In those days various sorts of exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous levies were put on the people from time to time.那时候,不时有各种苛捐杂税加在人民的身上。
*Why do you put the blame on me?你为什么责怪我呢?
*I don't believe you;you are just putting me on.我不相信你,你不过是在骗我。
8.move forward(a clock or the hands of a clock)往前拨(钟表)
*He forgot to put the clock on last night.他昨晚忘了把钟往前拨了。
*The English people will put on their clocks one hour for summer time the day after tomorrow.英国人后天实行夏令时间,将把钟往前拨一小时。
9.bet or risk money on sth.下…赌注
*Richard put on$5 and lost it all.理查德押了5美元,结果全输了。
put down
1.stop by force;crush武力镇压
*In 24 hours the general had entirely put down the rebellion.在24小时内,这位将军就把叛乱完全镇压下去了。
2.write a record of记录
*Make sure that you put down every word she says.务必记下她所说的每一个字。
3.name sth.as a cause归因于
*I would put his bad manners down to tiredness.我认为他的无礼是因为他太疲劳了。
*I don't think you can put all his success down to pure luck.我认为你不能把他所取得的全部成就归结为侥幸。
4.charge sth.to a particular account把(开支)记在…帐上
*She put the dress down to her mother's account.她把买衣服的钱记在母亲帐上。
5.stop and let a passenger get out of a vehicle让乘客下车
*Where would you like me to put you down?你要我在哪儿让你下车?
*The bus stopped at the station to put down one or two passengers.公共汽车到站停下,让一两位乘客下车。
6.land or cause sth.to land使…降落
*The pilot put the plane down safely,despite the storm.尽管有暴风雨,飞行员还是安全地降落了飞机。
7.humiliate sb.驳斥;使哑口无言
*He seems to enjoy putting his wife down in public.他似乎喜欢在大庭广众之下把妻子弄得哑口无言。
*He was put down in the argument.他在辩论中被驳得无言以对。
*They're engaged in putting down a well.他们正在挖一口井。
9.pay a deposit付定金
*She put down $100 on some furniture.她买家俱付了100美元定金。
10.kill an animal杀死
*If the horse't leg is broken,it'll have to be put down.要是马腿断了,那只能把它杀了。
11.regard sb.as认为…是
*The man looked so uneasy that I put him down for a criminal.那个人看上去非常不安,我便以为他是个罪犯。
12.write the name of sb.as willing to give(an amount of money)写出…名字以示愿出(多少钱)
*I have put you down for£5,is that all right?我已记下你的名字,你愿出5镑,对吗?
13.put on a waiting list for申请
*If only he had put down for that job,he might have been a director now.要是他申请了那个工作,他现在或许就是个主任了。
*You have to put down for government housing well in advance.你必须提前申请政府住房。
put up
*They are putting up several new buildings in that block.他们正在那一街区建几幢楼房。
*Several tents have been put up to accommodate the party.搭起了几个帐篷来给这一行人住。
2.provide food and lodging for sb.为…提供食宿
*Yes,we can put you up for a night or two.是的,我们可以安排你住一两夜。
*We shall be happy to put you up when you come to town next month.你们下个月到城里来时我们将很乐意为你们提供膳宿。
*You're welcome to put up in my home for the night.欢迎你们在我家过夜。
*They put Frank up at a good hotel.他们安排弗兰克住在一家很好的旅馆里。
3.preserve(food);lay aside保存(食品);把…搁置起来
*The fans have been put up for the winter.冬天人们把扇子收了起来。
*The farmers put up the apples in barrels.农民用桶保存苹果。
4.provide(money needed)in advance预先提供(所需的钱)
*He promised to put up the money for the scheme.他许诺要为这项计划提供资金。
*He is willing to put up money on the local team.他乐意把赌注下在本地球队上。
5.offer for sale出售
*She put the house up for sale.她的这幢房子待售。
6.increase the price of sth.提高价格
*Universities have just put up their fees.大学刚提高了收费标准。
7.offer oneself as a candidate for an election参加竞选
*He is putting up for Parliament next year.他准备明年参加议会选举。
*Has your father been put up to serve on the committee?你父亲已被选为委员会成员了吗?
8.pack up包装
*They usually put up six packs to a carton.他们通常把6包装成1盒。
*They're busy putting fish up in barrels.他们正忙着装鱼入桶。
9.offer a struggle,resistance,defence,etc.进行斗争、抵抗等
*The militia put up a stout resistance.民兵进行了顽强的抵抗。
*I think he's only putting up a bluff.我想他不过是虚张声势。
11.place(a notice,etc.)so as to be seen张贴;公布
*The names of the successful candidates will be put up on the College notice board.录取名单将公布在学院布告栏里。
12.put to the original place放回原处
When you have done with the book,please put it up in its place.书用完后,请放回原处。
13.put forward提出
*I'd like to put up an idea for your consideration.我想提个意见供你考虑。
14.make up sth.准备(饭菜);配制(药品)
*Would you be so kind as to put up a quick meal for me?劳驾来一份快餐好吗?
*The druggist put up the medicine that the doctor had prescribed.药剂师把医生开的药配制出来。