

第1个回答  2024-04-18
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Seizing the Opportunities by commenting on the saying “He who seizes the right moment is the right man.”You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
Seizing the Opportunities
Opportunities are counted as one of the essential factors contributing to success. As the saying goes, he who seizes the right moment is the right man. However, opportunity seldom knocks twice, and they only favor those who are well prepared.
There are plenty of opportunities in society. However, for most people, opportunities come quietly and then slip away. Only those who have made full preparations are able to seize the opportunities to achieve success. The story of Bill Gates is a good case in point. He discovered his interest in software and began programming when he was very young. Later, he entered Harvard at a very high score and kept open-minded on new ideas. At that time the world was undergoing an information revolution and people did not expect computers become so popular today. Bill Gates, however, foresaw the booming future of software and seized the opportunity. He put all his endeavors on programming and finally created the worlds largest software company.
In conclusion, since seizing the right moment is so important, we college students must study hard and make every effort to get fully prepared lest we miss the opportunities.
be counted as...(被认为……,被视作……)、contribute to...(促成……)、opportunity seldom knocks twice(机会难得)、favor(更喜欢)
slip away(溜走)、make full preparations(作好充分的准备)、program(编写程序)、undergo(经历,经受)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a news report to the School News Center on a lecture held recently in your university. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
A Lecture About How to Become a Good Writer
On June 2, Professor Wang, a celebrated and popular writer, gave a successful lecture on how to become a good writer to students in the Lecture Hall which was crowded with feverish students who were eager to have an interaction with Professor Wang throughout the lecture.
Professor Wang started his lecture with a provocative question—what a writer is? Then he described his early life, which contributed a lot to his creations. Finally, combining the personal experience with his profound understanding of the mission of a writer, he concluded his lecture with several suggestions on how to become a good writer.
The lecture inspired sparks and enthusiasm among students who are fascinated with literature. Li Hua, a senior majoring in Chinese Literature, said he felt very excited to see Professor Wang personally and gained much encouragement and inspiration for his future studies.
celebrated(著名的)、give a lecture on...(做关于...的讲座)、the Lecture Hall(学术报告厅)、be crowded with...(挤满……)、feverish(狂热的)
provocative(引发争议的)、early life(早年生活)、contribute to...(有助于……)、mission(使命)、 conclude...with...(以……结束……)
inspire(激发)、be fascinated with...(对……痴迷)、personally(亲自地)、gain(获得)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a news report to your school newspaper on the opening ceremony of the new academic year. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
The Opening Ceremony Was Held Successfully
On September 20, our university held an annual opening ceremony for all the first-year students ranging from undergraduates to PhD students in the Gymnasium. Over 10,000 students and staff attended the spectacular ceremony which features brilliant musical performances.
The president of our university delivered a speech to extend her warm welcome and sincere congratulations toward all the students who would begin a new life in the university and wished them would cherish time to pursue bigger dreams. Delegates of teachers and students also made their speeches followed by well-prepared musical performances which impressed all the audience on the spot.
Our school is a prestigious university which enjoys a long history of over a century in China. It is believed that the newly-arrived students will be bound to promote the further development of our school.
annual(每年的,一年一度的)、opening ceremony(开幕式)、range from...to...(从……到……)、spectacular(壮观的)、staff(员工)、feature(以……为特色)
deliver a speech(发表演讲)、extend ones warm welcome(表示某人的热烈欢迎)、delegate(代表)、impress...(使……印象深刻)
prestigious(享有声望的)、enjoy a long history(拥有很长的历史)、be bound to(一定会)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an application letter for a job advertised on a companys website. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
Dear Sir or Madam,
Im writing to apply for the position of sales manager advertised on your companys website. I believe I have the experience, skills, and qualities that fit me for the position.
As you can see from my enclosed resume, I majored in marketing in college. After graduation in 2012, I started to work in the sales department of my current company. I have been the Annual Best Salesman for three years straight. Then I attained an MBA degree in 2015 and led a sales team on my own. Im team-oriented and innovative. I have a strong sense of responsibility and can work well under pressure. I believe I can become a valuable asset to your company.
I look forward to your reply. If you want to schedule an interview, I can be reached at 87654321.
Yours sincerely,
Wang Xiaopeng
apply for...(申请……)、fit sb. for sth.(使某人胜任某事)
schedule an interview(安排一次面试)
Directions: Suppose you have received a letter from your friend who asked for help, please write a reply to tell him/her how to study efficiently. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
Dear Xiaohua,
How time flies! It has been two weeks since I received your letter. You asked for my suggestions on how to study efficiently in your last letter. After careful consideration, I will give you some useful advice.
First of all, you should have your own study goals. I recommend that you follow the SMART rule when setting goals. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based. For example, memorizing 20 English words of CET-4 level every day is a SMART goal. Secondly, you should have an efficient monitoring system. Your classmates and your friends can be the supervisors. Last but not least, you should allocate your time in a reasonable way. Draw up a detailed plan of how you should spend every day of a week and stick to it.
I believe these suggestions can help you study more efficiently. If you have any more question, dont hesitate to write to me. Look forward to your early reply.
careful consideration(仔细的考虑)
recommend(推荐)、attainable(可达成的)、supervisor(监督者)、turn to...(向……寻求帮助)、allocate(分配)