

第1个回答  2023-10-15
1 offer somebody something
Can I offer you something to drink?
They offered him a very good job, but he turned it down.

2 offer something to somebody
Maureen lit a cigarette and offered one to Lucy.
The drama school offers places to students who can show talent.

3 offer to do something
My dad has offered to pick us up.
The newspaper offered to apologise for the article.

4 offer advice/help/support etc
Your doctor should be able to offer advice on diet.

5 offer an opportunity/chance/possibility
The course offers the opportunity to specialize in the final year.
A number of groups offer their services free of charge.
The Centre offers a wide range of sports facilities.

6 offer something to somebody
I did what I could to offer comfort to the family.

7 have something to offer (somebody) - to have qualities, opportunities etc that people are likely to want or enjoy :
Canada has much to offer in terms of location and climate.
He felt he had nothing to offer her that she wanted.

8 offer (somebody) something for something
They’ve offered us £75,000 for the house.
The police are offering a reward for any information.

9 offer (up) a prayer/sacrifice etc - to pray to God or give something to God

10 offer itself
I’ll raise the subject when a suitable occasion offers itself.

11 offer your hand (to somebody) - to hold out your hand in order to shake hands with someone