2011.1 —— 2011.3时事政治


第1个回答  2011-04-21
中印边境风云再起 利比亚窝里斗引来外鬼 美英合伙欺负伊拉克 两个朝鲜剑拔弩张 阿富汗塔利班老鼠戏猫 以色列再战黎巴嫩 南联盟养精蓄锐 俄罗斯强奸格鲁吉亚 巴拿马运河谁是谁非
北京两会胜利闭幕 博鳌亚洲紧锣密鼓 航空母舰下水试航 日本地震引发核危 奥巴马有意连任
Sino-Indian border revival. Outside the internal fighting led to Libya's ghost. US-British partnership bullying Iraq. The two Koreas at daggers drawn. Taliban mouse teasing a cat. Israel's battles in Lebanon. FRY recharge your batteries. Russian rape of Georgia. Who is in the Panama Canal.
Beijing two successful conclusion. BFA in full swing. Aircraft carrier into the water trials. Japan's nuclear crisis triggered by the earthquake. Obama intends to re-election.