
Multinationals don't set out to neglect these markets, of course. What's needed always changes during and after market entry, but companies don't adjust their commitments accordingly. As a business grows in an international market, marketing strategy evolves, and each sequential phase requires management resources specific to the task, different skills, and financial investment.

Having said that, however, we contend that a well-chosen name can give a company a decided marketing edge over comparable competitors, and that the branding effect of a strong corporate name can be especially important for service companies. Why? Because in services the company name is the brand name.

It was weidespread skepticism about the strategy that turned the name into a lightning rod for criticism.To be sure, one can find flaws with the name. When introduced, it was defined as a combination of "allegiance" and "aegis" and the very fact that it needed to be explanined---and its pronunciation make clear--signaled a problem.But this is hindsight.Had the strategy been sound andwell executed,we obviously would not be citing.Allegis as a flawed brand name.

第1个回答  2007-06-05

a lightning rod for criticism 招来批评
aegis 保护;庇护



人们普遍对一些会招来批评的公司名很是怀疑。 无疑,我们要是想挑它毛病并不难。在介绍它的时候,说它是“忠诚”与“庇护”的结合,事实上它的含义确实有必要好好去阐述下---发音也要说清楚--否则就要出问题.当然,这是马后炮了.要是公司的命名合理精辟,我们就不会被人挑出来指点了。Allegis这个品牌名还是有问题的。本回答被提问者采纳