

第1个回答  2024-05-30
1. 在小型交通工具中,如汽车和出租车,我们通常使用“in”来表示乘坐。例如:“I travel to work in a car.” 或 “She took a taxi to the airport.”
2. 对于大型交通工具,如公共汽车、火车、长途大巴(coach),我们使用“on”。例如:“He goes to university on the bus.” 或 “We are traveling by train to visit our grandparents.”
3. 当乘坐火车时,如果强调在火车上行走,我们会使用“on”。例如:“I had to walk on the train to find my seat.”
4. 使用“on foot”来表示步行,但不要使用“by foot”。例如:“She likes to walk on foot in the park.”
5. 骑自行车时,我们使用“on”。例如:“He rides on his bike to the library every day.”
6. 乘坐飞机时,我们通常使用“on”。例如:“They are flying on an airplane to Japan next month.”