face with和be faced with有什么不同?


关于 face with 和 be faced with 的区别,由我来给大家解答一下吧 ヾ(•ω•`)o。

咱们大体了解一下👉🏻:"Face with" 是动词短语,表示面临或遭遇某种情况或问题;"be faced with" 是 "face with" 的被动形式,表示某人或某事物处于被迫或被动地面对某种情况或问题。它们在用法和语义上有所不同,但都表示面临或遭遇某种情况或问题。

再来看一个表格来比对一下 face with 和 be faced with :


再看一下 face with 和 be faced with 的具体区别,让我们轻松拿捏🤏:


- "Face with" 是一个介词短语,后面通常接名词或名词性的表达,表示遭遇或面对某种情况或问题。

例子:She was faced with a difficult decision. (她面临着一个艰难的决定。)

The country is facing with economic challenges. (这个国家正在面对经济挑战。)

- "Be faced with" 是由连系动词 "be" 和动词 "face" 组成,后面接名词或名词性的表达,表示某人或某事物所处的状态,即被迫或遭遇了某种情况或问题。

例子:We are faced with a shortage of resources. (我们面临着资源短缺的问题。)

The company is faced with a tough competition in the market. (这家公司在市场上面临着激烈的竞争。)


- "Face with" 强调在某一特定时间点遇到问题或情况,侧重描述具体的事件。

例子:They were faced with a sudden change in the weather during their camping trip. (他们在野营旅行中突然遇到了天气的变化。)

The team is faced with a difficult task to complete by the end of the month. (这个团队面临着一个在月底前完成的艰巨任务。)

- "Be faced with" 强调某人或某物一直处于被迫或面对某种问题的状态,侧重状态的延续性。

例子:The company is currently faced with financial difficulties. (这家公司目前一直面临着财务困难。)

He is faced with ongoing health issues. (他一直在面对持续的健康问题。)


- "Be faced with" 结构中的 "be" 是连系动词,使得句子呈现被动语态,强调主语所处的状态或情况。

例子:The city was faced with a major environmental crisis. (这个城市面临着一场重大的环境危机。)

The team is currently faced with unexpected obstacles in their project. (这个团队目前在项目中面临着意外的障碍。)

- "Face with" 结构通常不带有被动语态的含义,描述主语主动地面对或遭遇某种情况。

例子:They face with a difficult decision, but they need to make a choice. (他们面临着一个艰难的决定,但他们需要做出选择。)


- "Be faced with" 结构中的介词 "with" 不可省略,因为 "be faced" 是固定搭配。

例子:She is faced with a dilemma. (她面临着一个两难境地。)

- "Face with" 结构中的介词 "with" 可以在某些情况下省略,但语法上会略显不完整,因此建议保留 "with"。

例子:They are facing a difficult situation. (他们正在面对一个困难的局面。)
