

第1个回答  2014-09-15
today is Saturday,今天是周六,in the morning, my parents decide to go fishing,早上,父母决定去钓鱼,and i was excited, because i have never went fishing before,我很兴奋。因为我从来没有钓过鱼!追答

so we set off to the lake which is closed to our homeat 8:30,我们八点半出发去离我们家最近的一个湖畔

at first,i was very impatient,and i didnt get any fish,开始我非常没有耐心,以致我没有钓到一个鱼,

at last. my father taughtme how,and i got many fish too,最后我爸爸教我如何操作。最后也钓到了很多鱼!

我真的很感谢我的父亲。i really want to thank my father,


he taught me an important lesson that we must be patient with life
