

第1个回答  2022-07-20


  cablin potchouli herb 广藿香

  cajeputtree leaf 白千层叶

  calamine 炉甘石

  calcite 南寒水石

  calomel 轻粉

  camphor 樟脑

  camphorwood 香樟木

  canton ampelopsis root 无刺根

  cape jasmine fruit 栀子

  caper euphorbia seed 千金子

  carbonized human hair 血余炭

  carolina cranesbill herb 野老鹳草

  cassia bark 肉桂

  cassia seed 决明子

  cassia twig 桂枝

  castor bean 蓖麻子

  catechu 儿茶

  cattail pollen 蒲黄

  centipede 蜈蚣

  ceratostigma root 攀倒甑

  chalcanthite 胆矾

  chaulmoogratree seed 大风子

  cherokee rose fruit 金樱子

  chervil larkspur herb 还亮草

  chicken's gizzard-membrane 鸡内金

  chinaberry bark and root-bark 苦楝皮

  chinagreen herb 广东万年青

  chinaroot greenbier rhizome 菝契

  chinese alangium root 八角枫

  chinese angelica 当归

  chinese aralia bark and root-bark 葱木

  chinese arborvitae twig 侧柏叶

  chinese asafoetida 阿魏

  chinese astilbe 落新妇

  chinese azalea flower 闹羊花

  chinese azalea fruit 八厘麻

  chinese bastardtoadflax herb 白蕊草

  chinese box twig 黄杨木

  chinese brake herb 凤尾草

  chinese buckeye seed / 娑罗子

  wilson buckeye seed

  chinese caterpillar fungus 冬虫夏草

  chinese cinquefoil herb 委陵菜

  chinese cricket 蟋蟀

  chinese date 大枣

  chinese dicliptera herb 狗肝菜

  chinese dwarf cherry seed / 郁李仁

  dwarf flowering cherry seed / longstalk peach seed

  chinese eaglewood 沉香

  chinese elder herb 陆英

  chinese elm bark 榔榆皮

  chinese eupatorium root 广东土牛膝

  chinese fevervine herb 鸡屎藤

  chinese fir wood or twig 杉木

  chinese forgetmenot root 接骨草

  chinese gall 五倍子

  chinese gentian 龙胆 ;