初中英语作文 女排精神


第1个回答  2022-10-21
Volleyball (volleyball) movement originated from the United States. In 1895, the United States massa bead plug Holly york city states, a man named William cover · sports official invention of Man. The first rule is American volleyball Cameron (J.Y.C ameron) by Mr. Spalding's attempt sports press. Was it the "wheel transfers the" provisions, "with 15 points" in 1918, and made a play for the provisions of the number six people. From then on, Europe and the United States began to pop six volleyball. 1919-1918, the first world war, through the U.S. troops will volleyball to Europe. As for volleyball is in when and where the man introduced to China, already can't test rubber volleyball Card. But now the proof of historical data, as early as in 1905 is in the south of China guangzhou, Hong Kong has been developing the volleyball activities. 1951 formally adopted six system. Since then, six people in the country of volleyball gradually carried out. 译文:排球(volleyball)运动源于美国。1895年,美国马萨珠塞州霍利约克市,一位叫威廉斯·盖·摩尔根的体育工作人员发明的。 第一个排球规则是美国人卡麦隆(J.Y.Cameron)先生通过斯波尔丁体育出版社出版的。当时它规定采用“轮转制”、“每局15分”,1918年又作出了上场人数为6人的规定。从此,欧美开始流行6人排球。 1919--1918年,第一次世界大战期间,通过美国军队将排球带到欧洲。至于排球是于何时何地由何人介绍到中国的,已无法考 橡胶排球 证。但现有的历史资料证明,早在1905年在中国的南方广州、香港等地就已开展了排球活动。 1951年正式采用6人制。从此,6人制排球在全国逐步地开展起来。
