
After the period of R/C has ended, the FLA 1996 stipulates that no application for a divorce order may be made after one year (the specified period) has elapsed since the end of the period. The statement will be deemed to have lapsed.
Time can also stop running if the court receives joint notice from the parties that they are attempting a reconciliation. Again, if this interruption lasts for a continuous period of over 18 months, then a new statement will be required.

第1个回答  2007-03-18
在 R/C 的时期已经结束之后,FLA 1996 规定一个离婚次序的没有申请可能在做之后被,一年自从时期底以后就已经过去。 陈述将会被认为有过去的。
如果法院接受来自他们正在尝试一个和解的宴会的联合的注意,时间也能停止跑。 再一次,如果这打岔持续为连续时期的在 18个月内,那么一份新的陈述将会被需要。