

第1个回答  2017-05-10
I feel tired too and need a rest, I am really exhausted。本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2017-05-10
I also want to rest/have a rest/take a rest and am so bored as not to stand/bear/tolerate/endure / resist it.

I also want to rest/have a rest/take a rest and am too bored to stand/bear/tolerate/endure / resist it.
I also want to rest/have a rest/take a rest and am so bored that I cannot stand/bear/tolerate/endure / resist it.
I also want to rest/have a rest/take a rest and can not stand/bear/tolerate/endure / resist my great vexation/upset / my being upset/vexed.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2017-05-10
I also want to get some rest. I'm so annoyed right now - I can't hold it any more!