

第1个回答  2018-06-07

Recently many Chinese tourists were declined when they tried to make payments through WeChat account. They found it was only accepted in some Chinese stores.


Comparing with Facebook, Tencent has much bigger market value. While Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook is the world’s fourth most wealthy person. In the view of most US people, Tencent still lags far behind Facebook.



The US people are more used to such Apps as WhatsApp. While more and more people are getting accustomed to it and beginning to like it,especially those who have more connections with Chinese or have business targeting Chinese population. They find it is amazing and fun (sticks, games,voices chat), and they can even use it as an online store to sell things!

美国人习惯用WhatsApp 这类软件。就像咱们国人很多都不知道WhatsApp而人人都用微信。不过越来越多的美国人开始喜欢用微信,尤其是有中国朋友,或有很多中国业务的美国商人,他们会用的更多。当美国人开始用微信的时候,他们会发现是一个比WhatsApp有意思多的软件。人们可以通过微信视频看朋友在干什么,可以通过一部手机在朋友圈做广告卖商品,还可以玩游戏!所以笔者认为,好的东西慢慢会流传开来,最终优胜劣汰!

After all, since it has not been so widely used, many business still have safety concerns when accepting WeChat payments.

