寒假即将来临。你打算如何过一个充实而有意义的假期呢?请以〞My winer vacation〞

寒假即将来临。你打算如何过一个充实而有意义的假期呢?请以〞My winer vacation〞为题写一篇短文,谈谈你的寒假计划。要求:60~80词.英语

第1个回答  2013-12-23
My winter vacation
The winter vacation is coming, I can't wait to my winter vacation. I want to cherish this vacation.I should take a lot of time to learn English because my English is very poor. I want to review the English words.I am going to learn two words every day, I will keep in mind almost 100 words when the shool begins
I also want to spend time to accompany my parents, do more things for them to return their love for me.