
急需毕业论文两篇(关于机电系的)每篇1万字左右 谢谢

第1个回答  2014-03-19
电热水器控制系统设计论文编号:JD997 论文字数:18641,页数:45 有开题报告,任务书摘 要

关键词: 电热水器;单片机;硬件;软件;Abstract
The electric boiler is one which may supply the bathroom, the washroom and the kitchen using domestic electric appliances, in the market the traditional mechanical electric boiler control precision low, the reliability is bad, with people quality of life enhancement, the people more and more tend to the electric boiler request the intellectualization and the digitization, comes from the market and professional's information indicated: The convenience, the security, the central committee and the miniaturization will be tendencies which the water heater will be developed in future. This design introduced constitutes the electric boiler controller essential method with the monolithic integrated circuit. May constitute a function more perfect electric boiler controller using AT89C series monolithic integrated circuit, the controller design may accord to the overall concept, the hardware design, the software design, the debugging, solidify five steps to carry on. Its hardware system by the input, the monolithic integrated circuit and outputs major part three is composed; The software system design uses the modular structure, mainly by the master routine, the interrupt service and certain function module subroutine is composed. Fixed time inferred the heating time through the monolithic integrated circuit the lead to realize the electricity saving function to a certain extent and to avoid urgently needing the hot water situation on the appearance.Key word: Electric boiler; Monolithic integrated circuit; Hardware; Software;
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究的目的意义 1
1.2国内外的研究现状 1
1.3 研究的主要内容 1
第2章 单片机的概况 3
2.1单片机的概念及发展 3
2.1.1系统结构的变化 3
2.1.2 8位、32位单片机共同发展 3
2.1.3处理速度越来越快 3
2.1.4低电压与低功耗 3
2.1.5低噪声与高可靠性技术 4
2.1.6内部程序及数据存储器的容量越来越大 4
2.1.7内部功能越来越强大 4
2.1.8 ISP及IAP技术的应用 5
2.1.9开发及编译环境的多样化 5
2.2单片机的结构及引脚 6
2.2.1单片机的引脚 6
2.2.2单片机的基本组成 7
2.3单片机的应用特点 8
2.4单片机的应用领域 8
第3章 设计过程 10
3.1控制要求分析 10
3.2 基本设计思想 11
3.2.1 控制器主要功能 11
3.2.2 控制器设计步骤 11
第4章 硬件设计 13
4.1按键与显示电路 13
4.2 加热控制及过热保护电路 13
4.3温度检测部分 14
4.4 漏电检测及报警电路 16
4.4.1漏电检测电路 16
4.4.2报警电路 17
4.5定时处理 19
4.6复位电路 19
4.7掉电保护电路 20
4.8电源电路 22
4.9开机控制 25
第5章 软件设计 26
第6章 结论与展望 31
6.1结论 31
6.2展望 31
参 考 文 献 33
致 谢 34
附录A原理图 35
附录B程序清单 36
附录C外文 46
附录D翻译 57以上回答来自: http://www.lwtxw.com/html/42-6/6477.htm
第2个回答  2014-03-19