

第1个回答  2022-07-16
前几天看《身体语言密码》后,发现国内各种“FBI教你微表情心理学”类的书籍几乎都是对这本书剪刀加浆糊,想了解更多微表情心理学的书。笑来老师说,指引我找到一本好书的往往是另一本好书,在《微反应——小动作背后隐藏着什么》第一章脚注中,作者提到了Paul Ekman,说“这是微反应最著名的代表学者”,并推荐了他的两本书,其中之一就是本文的题目,百度之后我狂喜地得知他竟是lie to me 中男主角的原型,木有办法,光环太耀眼,这本书看来是绕不过去了。豆瓣和有几篇特别棒的书评,对我了解本书起到了线索作用。


第一章主要讲了情绪是人类共通的,具有跨文化的属性。Emotions AcrossCultures


第三章,改变情绪化的方法及时机 1)找到触发点,2)找到能弱化这一情绪的其他触发点,虽然不能总成功,但能更好地改变我们应对情绪化方式

第四章,解释情绪应对的组织方式:表情、行动、思维。解释了如何更留意情绪,让情绪对生活更有建设性。I explain how ouremotional responses—our expressions, actions, and thoughts—are organized. Chapter4 explains how we can become more attentive to our emotions as we have them sothere is a possibility of behaving emotionally in constructive ways.



情绪的作用远远超过了其他心理学家所说的人类原始驱动力:性与生存的意愿,Emotion triumphs over the hunger drive! The sex drive is notoriously vulnerable to the interference of emotions. Emotions triumph over the will to live!


1、情绪开始的特别迅速,意识根本来不及参与或者观察到触击情感发生的因素。这个迅速反应可以挽救我们的生命,也可能因为过度反应而毁了亲密关系。情绪是一种过程,是一种特别的自动评估体系,受人类进化和个人经验影响。当我们感觉到影响个人幸福的重大事情发生时,一系列心理变化和情绪行为开始产生,以应对此种情况。Emotion is a process, a particular kind of automatic appraisal influenced by our evolutionary and personal past, in which we sense that something important to our welfare is occurring, and a set of physiological changes and emotional behaviors begins to deal with the situation.

2、面部表情是普遍的,是进化的产物。The facial expressions are universal, a product of our evolution.

3、用面部活动编码系统可以识别谎言,即微表情,最长不过1/5秒,揭示了人真正的情绪。Using the Facial Action Coding System we have identified the facial signs that betray a lie. What I have termed micro expressions, very fast facial movements lasting less than one-fifth of a second, are one important source of leakage, revealing an emotion a person is trying to conceal. 假表情特点:不对称,不顺滑



1、情绪产生的情况,1)自动评估,2)思考评估 Sometimes emotions begin following reflective appraising, in which we consider consciously what is occurring,while still not certain what it means.

2、情绪一定是为我们服务的,促使我们应对生命中最重要的事,为我们生活提供各种快乐。当然,有时候情绪也会让我们陷入麻烦中。表现在:1)情绪反应过于强烈,eg.有些时候,适当担忧合理,但是我们可能过于担忧且害怕。2)感受的某种恰当的情绪,但是我们错误地展现情绪,比如说在你有充分理由生气的时候,你却沉默应对,这样的应对方式没有建设性,也很不成熟。3)错误的情感,wrong emotions,就是事后发现当时根本无需害怕。Why do we become emotional when we do? The most common way in which emotions occur is when we sense, rightly or wrongly, that something that seriously affects our welfare, for better or worse, is happening or about to happen. Emotions evolved to prepare us to deal quickly with the most vital events in our lives.

2、情绪让我们在应对重要事情时无需考虑就可以应对。即使危险过去了,你的内心仍会七上八下的。大概10-15秒后,这些情绪才会平复下去。Each emotion also has unique signals, the most identifiable being in the face and the voice.

3、情绪是对我们个人福祉很重要的事情的反应,情绪反应非常迅速,我们几乎察觉不到它产生的过程。first, that emotions are reactions to matters that seem to be very important to our welfare, and second, that emotions often begin so quickly that we are not aware of the processes in our mind that set them off.


5、自然选择对人类的情绪产生发挥作用至为重要,we are born prepared,我们天生就准备好了应对危机,前面的车突然翻车时,你会本能地恐惧并作出反应。our evolutionary heritage makes a major contribution to the shaping of our emotional responses.

6、重新经历某种情绪可能会有益,这给我们提供了另一种可能的机会,但是如果处理不好也可能重复又重演。Reexperiencing the feelings we had in a past emotional episode can have benefits. It may give us a chance to bring matters to a different end.