

第1个回答  2023-06-22

壮观景色可以用英语表达为 "spectacular scenery" 或者 "awe-inspiring scenery"。在英语中有许多用来形容美景的词汇,下面我们来一一解释。

1. Breathtaking

Breathtaking 意为 "令人屏息的",是指美景让你无法呼吸的感觉。例如,"The view from the mountain top was breathtaking."

2. Majestic

Majestic 意为 "威严的",往往用来形容大自然中的壮丽景象。例如,"The majestic mountains towered above us."

3. Picturesque

Picturesque 意为 "如画一般的",用来形容那些独特而又充满情趣的自然景观。例如,"The small village was nestled in a picturesque valley."

4. Serene

Serene 意为 "平静的",用来形容那些安静而宁静的自然景观。例如,"The lake was serene and peaceful."

5. Scenic

Scenic 意为 "风景优美的",是指一座城市或一条路线的美景。例如,"The scenic drive along the coast was breathtaking."

6. Panoramic

Panoramic 意为 "全景的",用来形容那些视野广阔的自然景观。例如,"From the top of the hill, we had a panoramic view of the entire city."

7. Grand

Grand 意为 "宏伟的",用来形容大自然中的巨大而壮丽的景象。例如,"The grandeur of the Grand Canyon is truly awe-inspiring."
