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技嘉BIOS选项问题求助.!!!急... - 55问答网


技嘉主板p43-s3l..里面BIOS的integrated peripherals里面有sata port0-3 native mode这个选项到底有什么用?开启还是关闭好?
本机已经开启硬盘AHCI功能了.无论sata port0-3 native mode开启还是关闭.在设备管理器上或者是HD HDTune上查看.电脑硬盘都能在AHCI模式下正常使用.请问sata port0-3 native mode这选项有什么用?在说明书上写着一大堆废话.关闭就是SATA控制器以legacy ide模式运行.开启就是以NATIVE IDE模式运行..

legacy ide与NATIVE IDE模式有什么区别?起到什么作用?

技嘉主板p43-s3l..里面BIOS的integrated peripherals里面有sata port0-3 native mode这个选项到底有什么用?开启还是关闭好?
本机已经开启硬盘AHCI功能了.无论sata port0-3 native mode开启还是关闭.在设备管理器上或者是HD HDTune上查看.电脑硬盘都能在AHCI模式下正常使用.请问sata port0-3 native mode这选项有什么用?在说明书上写着一大堆废话.关闭就是SATA控制器以legacy ide模式运行.开启就是以NATIVE IDE模式运行..

legacy ide与NATIVE IDE模式有什么区别?起到什么作用? 开启AHCI后是否要开启sata port0-3 native mode这选项?有啥用?
无论sata port0-3 native mode开启还是关闭.在设备管理器上或者是HD HDTune上查看.电脑硬盘都能在AHCI模式下正常使用.请问sata port0-3 native mode这选项到底开还是关好?

Legacy IDE模式与Native IDE模式区别
直白地说 Native IDE = SATA 原生模式,可以开启NCQ或AHCI;

Legacy IDE = SATA模拟模式,让把SATA当PATA用。


Native IDE是指在操作系统中,可以直接将SATA设备识别为SATA HD,SATA刻录机,不需要模拟成IDE设备,通常SATA硬盘支持NCQ的话,开启此功能将可以享受到NCQ的好处。
Legacy IDE指的是一般IDE硬盘,IDE刻录机等。在传统DOS/Windows 9X环境下,是不能直接识别到SATA设备,只能将SATA设备模拟成IDE设备,但是这样就不能使用SATA的原生指令.


“Legacy Mode”和“Native Mode”两种模式。Legacy Mode为延伸模式,即与以往的主板一样,南桥芯片只支持四个ATA设备,将两个SATA接口分别映射到某一个IDE通道的Master端和Slave端。当然,被映射的端口此时不能再连接IDE设备了。在Legacy Mode模式下,SATA设备是在PATA控制器控制之下,因此从设备管理器当中我们只能看到一个控制器。这样做的优点是在一些较旧版本的操作系统(Windows 98/Me)下,通过映射的方式使用SATA设备。


Legacy IDE is in compatible mode. A controller that operates in compatible mode emulates a legacy IDE controller, which is a non-standard extension of the ISA-based IDE controller. In compatible mode, the controller requires two ISA-style dedicated IRQs (14 and 15) that cannot be shared with other devices. Because compatible mode requires dedicated resources, the ATA controller for the boot device (which is usually integrated in chipsets on the motherboard) is the only controller on a system that is likely to operate in compatible mode.

Native IDE mode. A controller that operates in native mode acts as a true PCI device that does not require dedicated legacy resources and can be configured anywhere in the system. ATA controllers running in native mode use their PCI interrupt for both channels and can share this interrupt with other devices in the system, like any other PCI device. Add-in ATA controllers generally operate in native mode.

AHCI mode, Both legacy and native modes are for old computers which don't know SATA and AHCI. AHCI is the standard sata controler, with extended features(such as NCQ).