英文翻译 来自Jackson' Dilemma一书


第1个回答  2022-10-17
中文翻译 来自Jackson' Dilemma一书 (Its original name being lost
)it had thereafter been diminished by fire as well as being(as Edward's father said)'messed about by the Victori'. 忠于作者Dame Iris Murdoch原著的中文翻译: 它(注*)的原名无人知䁱,之后它曾因失火与及(如爱德华父亲所言)被维多利亚时代的人蹂躏而缩小。 *注:它应是指一间大建筑物,可能是主人翁继承了的Hatting Hall。
参考: Jackson's Dilemma is a novel by Iris Murdoch
published in 1995. It was Murdoch's last novel; she died four years later
on 8 February 1999. nytimes/books/98/12/20/specials/murdoch-dilemma
自丧失了原有之名以后,就如 Edward 的父亲所言,它在烈火中灰飞烟灭,并被维多利亚的子民们捣坏。 Its original name being lost
it had thereafter been diminished by fire as well as being (as Edward's father said) 'messed about by the Victori'. 尝试译得诗意一点,希望帮到你。 2013-08-18 17:10:08 补充: 更贴近意思: 自丧失了原有之名以后,它已在烈火中灰飞烟灭,亦如 Edward 的父亲所言,被维多利亚的子民们捣坏。
参考: 自己