关于爸爸的英语作文 帮爸爸锻炼身体_500字


第1个回答  2022-10-17

关于爸爸的英语作文 帮爸爸锻炼身体(Assist My Father to Do Exercise) 爸爸是一个工作狂。除了工作,他就没有别的爱好。渐渐地,爸爸的身体开始吃不消了。我知道劳累过度不利于健康,因此决定每天帮助爸爸锻炼身体。我还制定了一个渐进式慢跑计划。到现在为止这个计划还很有效。

My father is a workaholic. He has no hobbies apart from working. As time goes by, his health is getting worse. I know that overwork can do great harm to health. So I decide to assist father to do exercises. I also make a gradual plan for him to jog. Till now, the plan works well.
