

第1个回答  2022-11-04



小学英语 词汇




My room

Teaching aims

Students can speak out the words correctly and master the meaning such as “living room”, “bedroom”, “kitchen”, “study”, “bathroom” with the help of stick figures.

Students can grasp the sentence patterns “Where’s…?” “Is she…?” and use them in our daily communication.

Students will enhance their speaking ability and take part in group work actively.

Students can foster awareness of knowing the layout of their house.

Key and difficult points

Key point

To acquire the words such as “living room”, “bedroom”, “kitchen”, “study”, “bathroom” and the sentence patterns “Where’s…?”, “Is she...?”

To apply new words and sentences into their daily communication.

Difficult point

To enhance their speaking ability and take part in group work actively

To foster the awareness of knowing the layout of their house.

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greet students and let them enjoy the beautiful scenery on the campus.

2. Let students enjoy a song named Bedroom and ask them what the song is about. The song goes like this:

In my bedroom, in my bedroom,

near the table and the chair.

You can see my little teddy bear,

sleeping in my little bed.

In my bedroom, in my bedroom,

near the table and the chair,

You can see my little teddy bear,

Sleeping in my little bed.

The students may come to the answer that the song is about the bedroom. Then ask them another question “how many rooms in your house? and what are they?” then lead them into today’s topic.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Set up a situation: now the teacher is the guide and the students are the visitors. The teacher will introduce home to the students.

2. First draw a stick figure of a bedroom and ask them what it is. Then write the word “bedroom” on the blackboard. Then draw other stick figures and explain the words “kitchen”, “bathroom”. Next, let students think about what room in their house. After the discussion, draw the stick figures “living room” and “study” on the blackboard.

3. Guide students to read the words loudly. Then ask them if we want to ask the location, what we can say. Then play the tape and teach them to use the sentence patterns “Where’s Amy? Is she in the study?” and can answer with “Yes, she is.” Then write them on the blackboard.

Step 3: Practice

1. Bomb game

Draw some bombs near the word “bedroom”, and “study.” Then tell the rules to the students: when the teacher point at the word without the bombs, students should read the words loudly. But when the teacher point at the bomb words, they should keep silent.

2. Describe the pictures

Show some pictures about the layout of the house, and ask students to describe the picture. Remind them that don’t forget to use the sentence patterns “where’s…” “Is she…”.

Step 4: Production

Play a game called Ask and Answer. The rules are like this: the teacher gives a student some pictures to pick up. Then the student holds the picture to ask “where is ...?” “is she/he...?” and points one student to answer the question. The student who answers the question need choose the picture and point one student to answer his question.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: invite a student to be a little teacher and summarize today’s lesson. Tell them to love their home and family members.

Homework: ask students to draw a picture of their house and introduce his house the next class.

Blackboard design

Teaching reflection



1. How should we improve students’ speaking ability?







【Suggested version】

The improvement of the oral expression ability of primary school students is a systematic teaching project, whether it is age or knowledge structure and life experience, which are in an early stage of growth and accumulation. According to the teaching requirements of English in primary schools, it is an important part of English teaching to do a good job in oral teaching. So, there are a few main ways to do this:

First, create a good language environment for students. In oral training, teachers need to create a harmonious language environment, more praise, more encouragement, eliminate the psychological barriers of students, enhance students’ self-confidence and performance desire, so that students speak out boldly and proactively.

Second, stimulate students’ interest in speaking in class. The teacher should consciously let the students listen to some interesting stories, after listening to these stories, let the students repeat these stories. Teachers need to properly praise well-said students, encourage bad students more, do not hit them, so that students in the unknowingly dare to say, love to say.

Third, attach importance to the training of group cooperation. In English class, teachers try their best to create opportunities for students to cooperate and exchange, group discussions, group reports, group summaries. Give full play to the awareness of small cooperation, put everyone’s opinions together, there are group representatives to the teacher to make a report summary. This not only exercises the students’ organizational ability, but also trains the students’ analytical and generalization ability, so that every student has the opportunity to speak, express his own ideas and opinions, and get the training of oral ability.

In addition to these three options, there are many other ways to improve students’ oral skills. Teachers also need to adopt different programs depending on the student’s situation.


2. How to be a good teacher?







【Suggested version】

Teacher plays many roles in their careers, such as people who reassure others, supervisor of the whole class, a friend of students, and researcher of the study. To play these roles, the teacher should:

1. Clearly explain knowledge to students and solve the problems raised by students.

2. Organize and instruct various types of class activities and do a good job of class management.

3. Have good communication with students, and timely discover students’ psychological change.

Besides, teachers also need to constantly improve themselves, constantly reflect, and constantly improve. I believe I will be a good teacher in the future.
