there is +adj.和 it is +adj.怎么区分?


第1个回答  2022-10-23

there is +adj.和 it is +adj.怎么区分?

there is +名词,that从句是possibility的同位语 如果是It is possible(形容词) that... 则it 是形式主语,that从句是真正的主语,即That possible.

it is adj. of…和it is adj. for…

It is kind of you to help me.
你能帮我太好了.(kind 的是you)
It is beneficial for you to do sports.
运动对你有益.(beneficial的是do sports)
It is helpful of you to help me.
it is+adj+for ***
就是对某人(for *** )来说怎么样(adj)
it is+adj+of ***
就是说某人(of *** )怎么样(adj)

It's adj. to..和It's adj. for..这两个结构都对吗?怎么区分?

It's adj. to...中的to是助动词,后接动词原形构成谓语,作句子真正的主语.it是形式主语
eg. It's difficult to finish the task.
It's adj. for...中for是介词
eg. It's difficult for me.
还可以结合一下:It's adj. for *** . to do sth.
eg. It's difficult for me to finish the task.

be adj. to *** 和 be adj. for *** 哪个对?

be adj for *** 是固定的 it is adj of/for *** to do sth
be adj to *** 是指对于某人

be adj to *** 这两个意思是一样的么? 回答: be adj for *** 是固定的
be adj to *** 是指对于某人 不一样 追问: 什么叫是固定的? 回答: 不能分开的 追问: 那啥意思? 回答: 固定搭配 追问: 。。我知道固定搭配 、我说如何解释,如何翻译~~ 回答: 你这个也太广泛了,要根据adj的意思而定 追问: 那就这样be useful to *** be useful for *** 这俩分别咋翻译?

make *** . adj. 和keep *** . adj.

make 和 keep 后都可以跟形容词作补足语的复合宾语,make 表示“致使变成...结果”,keep 表示“使保持...不变”,因此下面的短语表达意思上有区别:

    make  *** . adj. 使某人成为某种特征或状态,如:

make him angry   让他生起气来

make me happy   使我高兴起来。

    keep  *** . adj. 使某人一直保持某种特征或状态,如:

keep him angry   让他保持生气的状态

keep me happy   使我保持着高兴的状态。

造句: 1、It is +adj. +to do. 2、It was +adj. +to do. 3、It will be +adj. +to do.

it is important to keep a balanced diet.
it was late to take the train yesterday.
it wil be boring to stay at home tomorrow.

it`s +adj. for/ to /of *** .怎样区分?

for 后面一般接人,意思是某事或某物对某人怎样
of 后面也是接人,但它一般表示那个人的品质如何,比如感谢某人 It is kind of you
to 后面接动作,表示做某事怎样怎样

-ly (adj.→adv. / n.→adj.)

hourly , daily;
happily , stupidly.

make *** adj. 和 make *** bee adj. 都对吗

首先,有make *** adj.的形式:
Your pliment made me outstanding among the students.
Quarrels beeen parents will make their children bee sensitive and introverted.
c此外,有make *** . feel adj.,这里的形容词指心情
Your words make me feel sad.
The movie makes me feel happy.
