
此时,我发现自己的胳膊和腿部都被牢牢地绑在地上,我的又长又厚的头发也被绑着。我感觉绑我的是一条细细的带子。过了一会儿,我觉得有个什么东西在我左腿上蠕动,轻轻的向前移着,越过我胸脯,几乎到了我下巴前,我尽力将眼睛向下看,竟发现一个身高不足六英寸、手持弓箭、背负箭袋的人 。


第1个回答  2014-09-21
At this time, I found my arms and legs were firmly tied to the ground, my long and thick hair tied up. I feel tied me is a thin band. After a while, I feel something crawling on my left leg, gently move forward, across my chest, almost to my chin, I try to look down, they found a lack of height