
1. work through as many of the activities as you need to master the ideas in these chapters. 这里的as...as 是什么意思?
2. Included are a series of questions so that you can evaluate the essays in terms of the basic principles of writing explained in Part1.
这里included are... 是倒装吗?
3. A number of writing topics are presented, along with hints about prewriting and rivising to help you plan and write an effective paper.
这里along with 是指什么意思? 前后连接相同成分吗?

第1个回答  2019-11-18
1. work through as many of the activities as you need to master the ideas in these chapters. 这里的as...as 是什么意思?
As much as, as many as
When we want to make comparisons referring to quantity, we use as much as with uncountable nouns and as many as with plural nouns:
Greg makes as much money as Mick but not as much as Neil.
They try to give them as much freedom as they can.
There weren’t as many people there as I expected.
2. Included are a series of questions so that you can evaluate the essays in terms of the basic principles of writing explained in Part1.
这里included are... 是倒装吗? 是。
为了保持句子平衡或强调表语部分等, 将作表语的形容词、分词、介词短语、such 置于句首时, 需用完全倒装, 其形式为: 形容词/现在分词/过去分词/介词短语/such+be+主语。
Happy are those who are contented.知足者常乐。
Growing all over the mountain are wild flowers. 漫山遍野长满了野花。
Seated on the ground are a group of young people. 席地而坐的是一群年轻人。
Inside the parcel was a letter. 包裹里有封信。
Such were his words. = Such was what he said. 这就是他说的话。
其他例句:Not included are cases which are already subject to sectoral EU or national checks.
3. A number of writing topics are presented, along with hints about prewriting and revising to help you plan and write an effective paper.
这里along with 是指什么意思? 前后连接相同成分吗?
along with与...一道(又), 连同...一起, 随同...一起, 沿[顺]着。
A bill came along with the package.
She was sworn in, along with eleven other jurors.
She is tripping along with her little steps.
How do you get along with others?