请英文高手帮忙, to be loved or be..?


第1个回答  2022-10-24
1. 形容人的肉是fresh - 鲜肉/血肉之躯 形容人的身体型态或全个是body - 整个身体 没有fresh body这回事的。 The human body works like a machine with many and interconnected parts. The human fresh is made up of skin
muscle tissues
blood vessels and nerves. 2. If you want to love and to be loved
... 因为虽然want to这verb phrase原则上是可以把之后要说的列出。If you want to go swimming or take music lesson
...但由于这句子的内容第一个to love是主动式而第二个是to be loved是被动式,所以在组句上必须要跟足全个句式。因此to love and to be loved必须全写出来。 be其实是is/are原式,所以只有在被动词中当tense被抽出时便会用。亦有「就是」的意思。Just be yourself
... to be是「成为」的意思,任何都会用到。这意思跟上句to be loved并不相同,那句的分柝是want to...be loved。be loved是一组意思,不是to be的意思。全句是如果 - 你希望(want to) - 去 爱人(to love) - 和(and) - (to be loved)被爱。 沙翁王子复仇记名句:TO BE OR NOT TO BE意思便是「做/成为复仇者还是不做/成为复仇者」的精句。引伸今天当有件难以决策的事要决定时,也会引用这句来警告自己/他人做决定时要多多考虑。
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1. It should be flesh
flesh me the person's 肉. Body me 身体. we use flesh to explain 人之肉身 For example
Lions are flesh-eating animals.狮子是肉食动物 The flesh of the peach was sweet and juicy.这桃子的肉又甜
汁又多 The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.力不从心 If you want to love and to be loved is correct
want to love me you want to love someone. E.g: you love your mother to be loved me that you want to be loved by someone
such as your mother loves u. be = base form of the verb
it is direct
such as : I love my brother. to be = passive form
such as you are to be loved
me that many people likes u.
参考: my English knowledge