

第1个回答  2015-07-23
1, meet you, is my most beautiful accident.
2, no longer than for the sake of a friend and give up the life of a greater love.
3, in the joy, friends will know us; in adversity, we will meet friends.
4, sincere friendship, will not be separated from time to dilute. The promise of the past, and will not change for a long time.
5, friendship is no wings of love. The friendship that starts with a purpose, which is unable to reach the goal.
6, friendship is equal between the two for their selfless communication; love is between tyrants and slaves humble exchange.
7, friendship is the most holy things, she will not only take root in the same sex, also can blossom fruit in the opposite sex.
8, love is far less than the requirements of friendship.
9, others are away, friends are still with you.
10, what is love? A body of two hearts; what is friendship? Two body a heart.
11, people are not happy because of the smile, but because of a smile and happiness.
12, if the surface effect to judge, love and so much as said that the friendship between hatred.
13, sad and injustice, will wail. Cry finished washing the face, patted his face, out of a smile to see. Don't rub it, otherwise the second morning will be swollen eyes.
14, who asked no shortcomings of friends, who would have no friends
15, the world of pleasure morrow friends, friends talk about things like fast.
16, the man is reduced, strangers when we meet.
17, easier to get piles of gold, is also hard to get a good.
18, because I do not know forever, so I want to cherish now.
19, with understanding, friendship can be long in; with friendship, life is valuable. Let's make the light of understanding. We work with this piece of land, sweet taste astringent fruit half points. In order to share the sweet life, we need to struggle and friendship.
20, sometimes in life, you will find a special friend; he is just a part of your life, but can change your whole life. He will make you laugh, and he will make you believe that there is love in the world. He will let you believe that there really is an open door that is not locked, waiting for you to open it. This is forever friendship.
21, life can not be separated from the friendship, but to get a true friendship is not easy; friendship always need to sow the seeds, with enthusiasm to irrigation, with the principle to cultivate, with the understanding to care.
22, a true friend, when you're successful, happy for you, but does not support. When you encounter misfortune or sadness, it will give you timely support and encouragement. When you have faults, it will give you the right criticism and help.
23, we should not at any price to keep the friendship, so that it is defiled. If you have to sacrifice friendship for that great love, that's no way to do it; but if you can keep it, it will be a perfect state.
24, friendship is not a short scene of fireworks, but a true picture; friendship is not a long period of acquaintance, but a to ingratiate themselves with a friend
25 and the vast sea of humanity like a piece of the Gobi desert, we are the sand beach, but your companion so I no longer feel small and lonely.
26, the wind is my endless care; blustery, is my gentle thoughts; rain, is my careful talk; the sun, is my warm smile!
27, in the face of friendship, people and people, as if the stars and stars, not between each other, but each shining.
28 friends, is that side is full; can not help but always want to dial the number; night long sit that cup of tea a little bit of quotations network
29, friends like flowers. Fragrant and elegant; friend is the autumn rain, delicate and full of poetry; December is a friend Mei, pure and stand proudly.
30, friend is not a book, it is more beautiful than the book; friend is not a song, it is more beautiful than the song; friends should Poetry -- elegant poetry; friends should is a dream -- beautiful dream; friends should is that meaningful prose, written yesterday and look forward to the future