

第1个回答  2013-10-17

                                                     从句让步状语表达方式                                                                                    引     导     词       含  义  及  用  法  特  点                         例                                          子    althoughin spite of the fact that尽管即使  Although he entered the contest for fun,he won the game.    and yet;nevertheless;but可是  He said they were married,though I'm sure they aren't.    thoughdespite the fact that    尽管虽然  Though I gave him all he asked for,yet he is still not satisfied.    all the same ; but        可是不过  He'll probably say no,though it's worth  trying.          ifalthough,纵然                     If he said that,he didn't expect you to take it personally.         even thoughthough的强调用法,意为即使  Even though I didn't understand a word,I kept smiling.    可引导事实陈述或委婉语气  Even though everyone deserted you,I wouldn't let you down.    even ifif 的强调用法,意为即使  Even if it rains tomorrow,I wouldn't change our plan.    用法同even though              Even if  you paid me a thousand pounds, I wouldn't do it.       whilealthough,然而,反而,较正式     I drink black coffee while he prefers it with cream.    While I understand your point of view,I don't share it.    whereasbut in contrast ; while然而  He earns 8000pounds whereas she gets at least 20000.     whether … orno matter whether不管是否You'll have to pay whether you want to or not.            Whether we win or lose,we are going to do our best.    She was undecided whether she should accept his offer.    granted that                                          Granted you're clever,you can't succeed without perseverance    就算…然而,用于先承认事Granted that he is rich,it doesn't mean he's gonna buy a house    granting that实,然后提出相反的论据Granting that he is not brilliant,he is at least competent and                                              work hard.                                                                 admitting that不可置否,诚然…可是Admitting that he's naturally clever,we don't think he'll make    much improvement,as he pays no attention to his lessons.    for all that尽管…可是They're good people,for all their ways aren't the same as ours    For all she has a good sense of  balance,she can't dance well.    despite the fact that Despite the fact that he is wealthy,he is unhappy.    in spite of the fact…. In spite of the fact that I like her,she seems to dislike me.    notwithstanding that Notwithstanding that he says he's innocent,I'm sure he's guilty        as/that/though尽管…可是,虽然…但是此  Old as I am,I can still fight. Little though he is,he knows a lot.    三词可不在句首,从句须以  Try as you may,you will never succeed.                     形容词、名词、或动词等开  Exhausted though he is,he has no hope to sleep.         头,整个从句须置于主句前  Rich that he is, he never gives anybody anything.            no matter whetherwhether or not不管是否No matter whether it is light or dark at that hour,we've     decided to leave at five o'clock in the morning.                    whoever no matter who      无论何人  Don't change your plan,whatever (may) happens.                        whenever no matter when     无论何时  Come and see me whenever you want to.                         however no matter how      无论怎样  However busy he may be,he will find time to meet me.            whichever no matter which    无论那一个  Whichever side wins,I shall be satisfied.                              wherever no matter where   无论哪里  The dog follows me wherever I go.                                     whatever no matter what      无论什么  Whatever you (may) say,I won't believe you.                       注  意1.though,although的区别。Though比较随意,常用于口语,可和even连用,Although则不能,        although语气比较严肃,庄严。Though可以放在句尾,although不能。As though不能换成although          though可以引导省略句,although不可以。Old though he is,不能写成old although .                 2.让步状语从句由though,although,if,even though,even if,while,whereas,whether…or not,…ever引导        3.grant,admit引导宾语从句,由grant,admit的不定式来反串状语。                                            4.despite the fact that,in spite of the fact that,notwithstanding,for all that,no matter wh-引同位语从句        5.no matter wh-系列引导的从句可以是严肃事实句,也可以是虚拟委婉句。                        6.whether…or引导的让步状语从句在正式文体中须使用虚拟委婉式,should 有时可以略去。        
