

第1个回答  2013-08-15
different 是形容词 不同的, 差异的Mary and Joan are quite different.玛丽和琼很不相同。个别的, 另外的Let's take a different way home today.今天我们回家走另一条路吧。各式各样的A department store sells many different things.百货公司出售各种各样的东西。 difference 是名词 差别, 差异When the synthetic fabric is contrasted with the natural one, the difference is very apparent.要是把合成纺织品和天然纺织品对比一下, 它们的差别就很明显了。差距, 差额It is both important and necessary to note this difference.注意到这个差距是重要的和必要的。There's an age difference of six years between them.他们之间相差六岁。分歧, 争执Our differences were at last hammered out in discussion.我们的分歧最后通过讨论消除了。 differently是副词不同地;相异地Different people might interpret events differently.不同的人对事件的理解也可能不同。I should have phrased my question differently.我本应该换一种方式来提出我的问题。
第2个回答  2022-07-23