

第1个回答  2023-07-18

"Pepper"在英语中读作 ['pɛpər],它的意思是胡椒;辣椒;胡椒粉


1. Salt(盐)- Salt is often used in combination with pepper to enhance the flavor of food.(盐常常与胡椒一起使用,以增强食物的味道。)

2. Chili(辣椒)- Chili pepper is a spicy vegetable that adds heat to dishes.(辣椒是一种辛辣的蔬菜,可以给菜肴增加辣味。)

3. Paprika(红椒粉)- Paprika is a mild spice made from dried and ground peppers.(红椒粉是由干燥和研磨的辣椒制成的一种温和的香料。)

4. Cayenne(辣椒粉)- Cayenne pepper is a hot spice that is often used in spicy dishes.(辣椒粉是一种辛辣的香料,常用于辛辣菜肴中。)

5. Black pepper(黑胡椒)- Black pepper is a commonly used spice that adds a pungent and slightly spicy flavor to food.(黑胡椒是一种常用的香料,给食物增添了辛辣和微辣的味道。)

6. White pepper(白胡椒)- White pepper has a milder flavor compared to black pepper and is often used in dishes where the appearance of black specks is undesirable.(白胡椒的味道较黑胡椒温和,常用于不希望出现黑色斑点的菜肴中。)

7. Peppercorn(胡椒粒)- Peppercorn refers to the dried fruit of the pepper plant, which is ground to make pepper.(胡椒粒指的是胡椒植物的干燥果实,研磨后制成胡椒粉。)

8. Pepper grinder(胡椒研磨器)- A pepper grinder is a kitchen tool used to grind peppercorns into powder.(胡椒研磨器是一种厨房工具,用于将胡椒粒研磨成粉末。)

9. Peppery(味道辛辣的)- The soup had a peppery flavor that warmed up my taste buds.(这碗汤的味道辛辣,让我的味蕾感到温暖。)
