

第1个回答  2022-07-21



  J: William Wordsworth 's poem is so beautiful that I can scarcely take my eye off it.


  V; His poem is full of emotion,just like The Solitary Reaper. When many poets at his time still wrote about ancient heroes in grandiloquent style, Wordsworth focused on the nature, children, the poor, common people.


  J: Exactly, and he used ordinary words to express bis personal feelings. His definition of poetry is “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings'


  V: A man's interest is influenced by the surroundings. The magnificent landscape of Wordsworth's hometown deeply affected him and gave him a love of nature.

  V: 一个人的兴趣是受到环境的影响的。故乡壮丽的风景深深地打动了华兹华斯,他对自然充满了 爱。

  J: As a writer Wordsworth made his debut in 1787,when he published a sonnet in The European Magazine. In that same year he entered St. John’s College, Cambridge, from where he took his B.A. in 1791.

  J:当华兹华斯1787年在《欧洲杂志》发表了一首 十四行诗时,他的作家生涯就开启了。同年他进 人剑桥大学圣约翰学院学习,并在1791年获得 学士学位。

  V: When he was in Cambridge, he went on a walking tour

  V:华兹华斯还在剑桥念书时,就在1790年的暑假 到爆发大革命的法国和瑞士徒步旅行。

  J: Revolutionary fervor in France made a powerful impact on the young Wordsworth. His French experience was a powerful factor in turning his inbred sympathy to plain common people,

  J:年轻的华兹华斯深受法国革命热潮的影响。华兹华斯生性善良,他在法国的经历 使得他对贫苦大众更加同情。

  V: When Wordsworth’s political ideas and poetic talent were beginning to take shape, he fell passionately in love with a French girl.


  J: Yes. It happened on his second journey in France. Wordsworth had an affair with Annette Vallon by whom he had an illegitimate daughter Anne Caroline.

  J:是的,这发生在他的第二次法国之行。华兹华斯和阿内特瓦隆关系暖眛,并育 有一个私生女安妮卡洛琳。

  V: The affair was basis of one of his poems, but otherwise Wordsworth did his best to hide the affair from posterity.

  V:这段感情是他的一首诗歌的灵感来源,但除此之外,华兹华斯极力向他的后人隐 瞒这一段感情。

  J; After his journeys, Wordsworth spent several aimless and unhappy years until he met Coleridge in 1795.

  J:这段旅程结束后,华兹华斯度过了几年浑浑噩噩、郁郁寡欢的时光,直到他在 1795年遇到柯勒律治。

  V: And Wordsworth^ financial situation became better in 1795 when he received a legacy and was able to settle at Racedown, Dorset, with his sister Dorothy.

  V:同样是在1795年,华兹华斯继承了一笔遗产,经济状况得到了好转。他和妹妹 多萝西可以定居在多塞特郡的雷斯唐农庄。

  J: Encouraged by Coleridge and stimulated by the close contact with nature, Wordsworth composed his masterwork, Lyrical Ballads with Coleridge.

  J:和大自然的亲密接触激发了华兹华斯的灵感,在柯勒律治的鼓励下,华玆华斯和 他合写了著名的《抒情歌谣集》。

  V: Lyrical Ballads is an important work in the English Romantic Movement, But the volume had neither the name of Wordsworth nor Coleridge as the author. The second edition, published in 1800,had only Wordsworth listed as the author

  V:《抒情歌瑶集》是英国浪漫主义运动中的一部重要作品。但是这卷诗集并没有署 上华兹华斯和柯勒律治的名字。1800年出版的第二版也只把华兹华斯列为作者。

  J: The winter 1798-99 Wordsworth spent with his sister and Coleridge in Germany. And due to the homesickness, he and his sister moved back to England, settled in Dove Cottage, Grasmere, in the Lake District.

  J: 1798 ~ 1799车的冬天,华兹华斯和他的妹妹以及柯勒律治是在德国度过的。由于思乡心切,他和妹妹回到了英格兰,并定居在格拉斯米尔湖区的销舍。

  V: This time he was accompanied by fellow poet Robert Southey nearby. And Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey came to be known as the “Lake Poets”.

  V:这一次陪伴他的是住在附近的诗人罗伯特骚塞。华兹华斯、柯勒律治和骚塞被 并称为“湖畔诗人一’。

  J: Wordsworth’s path-breaking works were produced between 1797 and 1808. Through this period, many of his poems revolved around themes of death, endurance, separation and grief.

  J:华玆华斯具有开创性的作品写于1797 ~ 1808年。在这段时期内,他的很多诘作 都是围绕着死亡、忍耐、分离和悲痛等主题展开的。

  V: Wordsworth’s Grasmere period ended in 1813 when he moved to Rydal Mount, Ambleside, where he spent the rest of his life.

  V: 1813年,华兹华斯把家搬到安布尔赛德的赖德尔山,并在此度过余生,结束了他 在格拉斯米尔湖区的定居生活。


  M: Lucy, what are you reading?


  L; Childe Hamid 's Pilgrimage, the talented poem of Lord Byron.


  M: You mean Lord George Gordon Byron, the playboy?


  L: Yes,it is him. He did have a lot of love-affairs during his short life. But he is a poet of overflowing brilliance in the first place.

  L:是的,就是他。在其短暂的一生中,他的确有很多风流韵事,但他毕竟是一个才 华横溢的诗人。

  M: Indeed. Byron is a household name. His works, Childe Harold fs Pilgrimage and Don Juan are well-known.

  M:的确是这样。拜伦是个家喻户晓的名字。他的作 品《恰尔德罗德游记》和《唐璜》很有名。

  L: Besides this, there are many romances about him that are well-known even when he was in Harrow.

  L:拜伦的私生活也很引人注目,当他还在哈罗公学 念书时,他的爱情故事就广为人知。

  M: His complicated relationship with women may have been influenced by his childhood experience. At home Byron’s alcoholic governess made sexual advances when he was nine.

  M:他和女性的复杂关系可能是受童年经历的影响,当拜伦只有9岁时,嗜酒成性的女家庭敎师就对 他进行了性侵犯。

  L: And according to some sources,Byron was also seduced by the lord who rented his mansion before he inherited it.

  L: 一些资料表明,他还受到过一个贵族的引诱,后者在拜伦继承房产前曾租住在他家。

  M: At Cambridge, he even aroused alarm with bisexual love affairs.

  M:在剑桥时,拜伦甚至还因双性恋风流韵事引起了 公众的恐慌。

  L: When he was in Cambridge, he wasn't a hardworking student, but he read many books on history, literature and philosophy. And he spent his leisure time on drinking, hunting0, shooting and swimming.

  L:在剑桥念书时,拜伦并不是一个刻苦学习的学生,但他读了很多历史、文学和哲 学等方面的书。而他的闲暇时间则用在喝酒、打猎、射击和游泳上。

  M: Byron’s first two cantos of Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage became blockbusters when they were published.


  L: He became an adored character of London society. He spoke in the House of Lords effectively on liberal themes, and had a hectic relationship with Lady Caroline Lamb.

  L:拜伦成为伦敦社会的宠儿。他在上议院就“自由"这一主题高效地阐述了自己的 观点,还和卡罗琳兰姆夫人有过一段炽热的爱情。

  M: But Byron married Anne Isabella MiLbanke in 1815, and their daughter Ada was born in the same year. The marriage was unhappy, and they obtained legal separation next year.

  M:但是拜伦在1815年和安妮伊莎贝拉米尔班克结婚。同年,他们的女儿艾达出生。 不过这段婚姻并不幸福,在第二年,他们就分居了。

  L: When the minors of his incest with his half-sister, Augusta and accumulating debts started to rise, Byron left England in 1816, never to return.

  L:当关于他和同父异母的姐姐奥古斯塔乱伦以及债务不断攀升的谣言开始广泛传播 后,拜伦于1816年离开了英格兰,就再也没有回来了。

  M: “The only virtue they honor in England is hypocrisy," he once wrote a friend.


  L: Byron settled in Geneva with Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mary Shelley and Claire Clairmont, who became his mistress. There he wrote the two cantos of Childe Harold and The Prisoner of Chillon.

  L:拜伦和珀西比希雪莱、玛丽?雪莱以及其情妇克莱尔克莱蒙特一起定居在日内 瓦。在那里他创作了《恰尔德哈罗德游记》的另外两个章节和 < 锡隆的囚徒>。

  M: At the end of the summer Byron decided to continue his travels, spending two years in Italy. While staying in Venice Byron proudly claimed he had different woman on 200 consecutive evenings.

  M:夏末,拜伦决定继续他的旅行,花两年时间去游历意大利。待在威尼斯时,拜伦 骄慠地宣布连续200个晚上都有不同的女人和他共度良宵。

  L: During the years in Italy, Byron wrote The Lament of Tasso and started Don Juan, his satiric masterpiece.

  L:在游历意大利的年月里,拜伦撰写了 <塔克的哀歌>,并开始创作讽刺诗代表作《唐 璃》。

  M: After a long creative period, Byron had come to feel that action was more important than poetry. He armed a brig, the Hercules, and sailed to Greece to aid the Greeks, who had risen against their Ottoman overlords.

  M:经过长时间的创作后,拜伦发觉行动比诗歌更重要。干是他驾着英国大船‘‘赫拉 克勒斯号"前往希腊,协助希腊人反抗土耳其领主。

  L: However, before he saw any serious military action, Byron contracted a fever from which he died in Missolonghi on 19 April 1824.

  L:然而,在拜伦目睹任何正规的军事活动之前,他就发了高烧,并因此于1824年 4月19日在梅索朗吉昂辞世。

  M: Byron’s body was returned to England but refused by the deans of both Westminster and St Paul’s. Finally Byron's coffin was placed in the family vault at Hucknall Torkard, near Newstead Abbey in Nottinghamshire.

  M:拜伦的遗体被运回英格兰,但威斯敏斯特敎堂和圣保罗教堂的主教都拒绝把他的 遗体安葬入内。最终拜伦的棺木被安葬在诺丁汉郡纽斯台德修道院附近赫克诺尔 的家族墓穴内。


  M:John Milton is a genius. His masterpieces Paradise Lost、Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes are pearls of world literature.

  M:约翰弥尔顿真是个天才。他的杰作 < 失乐园》、<复乐园》和《力士参孙 > 是世 界文学的明珠。

  L:I cannot agree with you more. The works of today’s poets are not half as brilliant as those of Milton. And he excels in languages studying, too. He can speak and write in Greek, Latin, and Italian.

  L:我非常同意你的观点。现在很多诗人的作品 远不如弥尔顿的精彩。弥尔顿还精通多种语 言。他通晓希腊语、拉丁语和意大利语。

  M:Milton is a life-long student. His schooling started at home before he went to read the works of Homer and Virgil in Greek and Latin at St Paul’s School in London.

  M:弥尔顿终身都在学习。在他到伦敦圣保罗学 校学习希腊语的荷马著作和拉丁语的维吉尔 著作之前,他在家里就开始学习了。

  L: And he entered Christ’s College, Cambridge in 1625 with the intent to become a minister.

  L: 1625年,他抱着要当牧师的念头考人了剑桥大学基督学院。

  M: But Milton did not adjust to university life. He was called, half in scorn, “The Lady of Christ’s”.


  L: While Milton was a hardworking student, he was also argumentative. Only a year later, in 1626, he got suspended after a dispute with his tutor.

  L:虽然弥尔顿是一个刻苦学习的学生,他却喜欢和老师争论。入学后仅一年,也就 是1926年,由于与导师产生了矛盾,他被迫辍学。

  M; During his temporary return to London, Milton attended plays, and began his first forays into poetry.


  L: At his return to Cambridge, Milton was assigned a new tutor. But life at Cambridge was still not easy on Milton; he felt he was disliked by many of his fellow students and he was dissatisfied with the curriculum.

  L:回到剑桥后,校方为弥尔顿重选了 一个新导师。但弥尔顿仍感到在剑桥大学生活 不易。他觉得许多同学都不喜欢他,对课程设置也不满意。

  M: But he did learn a lot in Cambridge. It was at Cambridge that he composed “On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity”,

  M:但是弥尔顿的确在剑桥学到了很多东西。《基督诞生的早晨》这首谙正是他在剑 桥创作的。

  L:You’re quite right. Upon graduation in 1632 with a Master of Arts degree, he retired to the family homes, for years of private study and literary composition.

  L:你说得很对。1632年毕业拿到文学学士学位后,弥尔顿退隐家中,花费数年时 间自学和创作文学。

  M:That’s true. Milton had given up his plan to become a priest. He adopted no profession but spent six years at leisure in his father’s home, writing literary works.

  M:的确如此。弥尔顿放弃了成为牧师的计划。他没有找任何工作,6年来的闲暇时 光都待在父亲的房子里,进行文学创作。

  L:At the same time Milton decided to further his studies in languages including Hebrew. And he travelled many countries in the late 1630s where he immersed himself in their history and culture.

  L:同时弥尔顿决定加强语言学习,包括希伯来语的学习。17世纪30年代晚期,他 去了很多国家旅游,并沉浸于所到国家的历史和文化之中。

  M:He met many prominent learned men during the travelling including Galileo Galilei.


  L:Yes, he also had a long and meaningful conversation with Galileo Galilei. Their conversation was recorded in his celebrated plea for a free speech and free discussion, AREOPAGITICA (On Liberty).

  L:是的。他还和伽利略伽利雷有过一次长时间富有意义的谈话。他们的对话被记 录在弥尔顿著名的呼吁自由演讲和讨论的《论自由》一书中。

  M:And I remember that there are references to Galileo’s telescope in Paradise Lost.


  L:The intense work of translating and writing created much strain on his eyes and by 1652 he was entirely blind and relied on the assistance of other people,

  L:翻译和写作的高强度工作使他的眼睛不堪重负,到了 1652年,他已经完全失明了, 要依赖别人的帮助才能工作。

  M: But it seems that Milton was not unduly grieved by his loss of sight. Instead, blindness helped him to stimulate his verbal richness.

  M:但是弥尔顿对于自己的失明似乎并不怎么伤心。相反,失明有肋于刺激他语言的 表达。

  L: He sacrificed his sight, and then he remembered his first desire, that of being a poet. During the plague years he left London and lived in a cottage in the village of Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire.

  L:弥尔顿虽然失明了,但是他想起了他最初的梦想,那就是成为一名诗人。在伦敦 大疮疫期间,他离开伦敦,住在了白金汉郡查尔芬特圣贾尔斯村子的一个小屋里。

  M: It was here that Milton prepared for publication Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained.

