

第1个回答  2013-10-21
完形填空( 1 )
Carol and Susan are very good friends They are in the same _1_ at school and they often visit _2_ home at weekends (周末). Now they are _3_ eight years old. Carol's mother has got a new baby. Carol is very _14_ to have a little sister. So she is always talking about her to Susan. At first she is very _5_ in the new baby because she doesn't have any brothers or sisters. But _6_ some time she begins to get tired of Carol's endless talking (喋喋不休地谈论) about it. She also fells a little jealous (嫉妒) of her friend.
One morning when the two girls _7_ in the school ground, Carol says to Susan, "Do you _8_, Sue, my baby sister has put on nearly half a pound in weight (体重增加了半磅) this week."
"That is not very _9_." answers Susan. "I know a baby and he puts on ten pounds a day."
"Oh, that can't be _10_." answers Carol laughingly. "Whose baby is it " "An elephant's" says Susan.
1. A. grade B. table C. class D. group
2. A. each other's B. their C. theirs D. each other
3. A. all B. two C. both D. either
4. A. angry B. sorry C. surprised D. glad
5. A. interesting B. interested C. happy D. satisfied
6. A. before B. for C. after D. at
7. A. play B. meet C. weight D. walk
8. A. hear B. think C. find D. know
9. A. much B. many C. few D. little
10. A. impossible B. wrong C. true D. sure
8.选D.这里是Carol告诉Susan,所以说Do you know…即"你知道吗 "这里用不着Susan思考或发现,故应排除BC两项,容易混淆的是hear后接宾语从句时作"听说"解,"听说"的是别人的事,自己家的事一般不会问别人是否听说,故A项也不正确.
完形填空( 2 )
Bob and Sue are in the same school, 1 they are in different 2 . They go to school on weekdays. 3 school , Bob and Sue often play games with 4 friends.
Classes begin 5 eight in the morning. Now Bob and sue are in their classrooms. They are listening to their 6 . Bob's studying English. His teacher is talking 7 English. Sue's 8 a Chinese class. Her teacher is talking 9 writing. They study hard. They love their teachers and they like their 10 .
l. A. but B. and C. or D. when
2. A. classes B. class C. lesson D. lessons
3. A. In B. When C. To D. At
4. A. his B. her C. other D. their
5. A. about B. in C. at D. on
6. A. friends B. father C. teacher D. teachers
7. A. with B. at C. in D. for
8. A. having B. listening C. getting D. sitting in
9. A. at B. about C. for D. like
10. A. home B. family C. school D. clothes

3."在学校"可用at school或in the/a school.容易混淆的是A答案,需要注意的是如果用in,school的前面须加冠词,选D.
8.本题意思是"Sue在上汉语课",have a class表示"上课",由于前面已有is,故应用have的现在分词,选A.
9."教师在讲授写作",表示"谈论"用talk about,答案选B.
第2个回答  2013-10-21
Good Time”is a program on ABC Radio Jim Green is an announcer(播音员)for the program.Most of the girls___1____ boys like the program. They ___2___like Jim Green. Some of them often make phone calls to him and thank him ___3___ his work. There are lots of ___4___ to him every day,too. Jim Green gets up at 6:00 every morning.He has bread and a glass of milk ___5___ breakfast. He leaves home at 6:30 and ___6___ his office at 7:15. The program ___7____ at 7:30.He plays the new records (唱片)of the pop songs and modern music for his listeners. At 8:00 it's time ____8____ the news. Jim finishes work at 10:30. He goes home ____9____ his car.He ___10___ newspaper and listens to music after supper. He thinks his life is very interesting. ( )1.A and B with C but D about ( )2.A too B to C also D so ( )3.A to B for C fo D and ( )4.A letter B letters C friends D words ( )5.A at B with C for D to ( )6.A goes B gets C gets to D gets up ( )7.A begins B finishes C over D start ( )8.A to B for C of D in ( )9.A by B in C on D takes ( )10.A looks B reads C sees D watches 1 A 在肯定句中表示并列 2 C also是"也"的意思,A是太……的意思 3 B thank sb. for sth. 为了什么感谢某人 4 B 每天他都有很多的来信 5 C 作为他的早饭 6 C 到达 A是走 B是得到 D是起床 7 A 开始 D的时态不对,应该是第三人称单数 8 B 该是新闻时间了,A是time to do sth. 9 B in one's car ,A是 B by car 10 B 看报纸是 read newspaper You\'ll see a new _1_at a hospitai near London if you go there.He is very clever,_2_he never speaks.He can work 24 hours a day and never gets _3_.He is one metre tall and has a face_4_a TV screen.He is Dr.Robot. Doctors often need to ask their patients a lot of questions._5_ doctors can only spend a few minutes with such patient.But Dr.Robot,a human doctor can_8_a lot of uesful information(信息)when he meets his patient. How can Dr.Robot do this? A computer \"tell\" him what to do.Dr.Robot can do a lot of things people can do,though he can\'t completely_9_the place of _10_ doctors. (D)1.A.sick person B.nurse C.chemist D.doctor (C)2.A.so B.if C.but D.because (A)3.A.tired B.off C.up D.woounded (A)4.A.like B.on C.as D.in (B)5.A.Kind B.Busy C.Free D.Tall (C)6.A.late B.impossibleC.necessary D.interesting (A)7.A.With B.For C.Behind D.Under (B)8.A.spend B.have C.send D.speak (C)9.A.bring B.give C.take D.lead (D)10.A.robot B.computer C.women D.human Mike is an Englishman. He lives in a __1___ building in the __2___ London. There are eighteen floors in the building and he lives on the fifteenth floor. He__3___ a lift (电梯)to go up and down. He works very hard. He__4___ to work early. Every day he leaves his__5__and walks to the lift. He gets into the lift. It __6___him down to the first floor. He gets out of the lift. Then he walks to __7___bus stop. The bus stop is in front of a station. It is about two hundred meters from ___8___home. Usually, he catches the number 11 bus to work, but sometimes he goes__9___. He works in a factory about ten__10___ from his home. His work starts at half past eight, and finishes at a quarter to five. He gets back home at half past5. ( ) 1. A. tall B. shot C. small D. large ( ) 2. A. country B. town C. city D. village ( ) 3. A. makes B. uses C. does D. mends ( ) 4. A. begins B. wants C. runs D. goes ( ) 5. A. home B. building C. office D. room ( ) 6. A. costs B. spends C. takes D. brings ( ) 7. A. an B.a C. the D. / ( ) 8. A.his B. he C. him D.himself ( ) 9. A.by plane B. by train C. on foot D. by air ( ) 10. A.meters B. kilometers C. minutes D. hours 答案补充